Showing 1–12 of 44 results Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Sort by quality: best first Add to cart 4th 15 minutes of dive, follows clip 34912, mostly nice and clean and shallow, nice swimming and filming, silhouette at 0:50, up periscope 2:49, working in the shallows looking for cormorant 4:00, up periscope 4:12 asking fishos for sightings, swimming against the current 5:00, camera down for cleanup at 6:12, moves camera 8:23, up periscope 8:26, chatting to fishos until 10:00, back to clear filming 10:30, more cleanup 11:40, boat noise 12:30, very loud 12:50, move camera 13:00, fleeing fish gets Josh’s attention at 13:30, suddenly drops fishing line and picks up camera at 13:54, and preps camera and scans for cormorant, continues on clip 34922, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 2.7K UltraHD, UP34918 AU$ 2,805.00 Add to cart Continues from clip 34979, josh swimming against current then filming 34986 to 34994, moving closer to flatties 3:00, looking around while filming on tripod, lots of algae blowing through frame, camera down to collect lures and line in patch filmed in clips 34986-87, trying not to disturb flathead while moving camera to clear more line, dusting sand off camera 7:14, Liz appears 10:00 and we head toward to exit, stops to film remaining clips 12:30, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 2.7K UltraHD, UP34988 AU$ 2,805.00 Add to cart Josh removing fishing line and putting it into net, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 4K UltraHD, UP34590 AU$ 810.00 Add to cart Josh avoids a few strikes, moray knots, a few diver signals to camera and camera moves to reframe, moray regurgitates whiting, moray unknots and the line is cut freeing the moray who flees, animals in garbage, animals caught in trash, wildlife hurt by trash, wild life caught in garbage, underwater, Highfin moray 4K UltraHD, UP34060 AU$ 810.00 Add to cart Strong current stirring up algae and sediment, josh swims into frame and clears fishing line, stonefish doesn’t flinch when large clump of algae settles on it, josh stops work to watch as morwong flirts with death, josh points at stonefish on the way back to the camera, underwater, Estuarine stonefish 4K UltraHD, UP34599 AU$ 2,430.00 Add to cart Josh in wetsuit, first 15 minutes of dive with time split between filming and line removal, ends on good training technique of getting fins on the rock to lever off, and connectedness of buried line, shot continues on clip 34744, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 2.7K UltraHD, UP34743 AU$ 2,805.00 Add to cart Continues from clip 34861, last bit of the dive with net full of fishing waste and anchor with chain and line, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 2.7K UltraHD, UP34864 AU$ 374.00 Add to cart Cleanup scuba diver swimming on silty river bed in Australia, HD, UP29064 AU$ 173.00 Add to cart Josh swimming with camera in one hand and ball of fishing line in the other, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 2.7K UltraHD, UP34557 AU$ 173.00 Add to cart Josh cleaning up line and adding it to full net, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 4K UltraHD, UP34746 AU$ 780.00 Add to cart Josh swimming with camera in one hand and ball of fishing line in the other, drops camera to unsnag line, then catches it again before it hits bottom, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 2.7K UltraHD, UP34558 AU$ 173.00 Add to cart Josh enters frame and removes small cluster of fishing line with hooks and sinkers hanging down, fortesque comes to inspect the cleared area once the dust settles, underwater, discarded fishing tackle 4K UltraHD, UP34500 AU$ 780.00 1 2 3 4