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Noosa Underwater Biodiversity Assessment (NUBA)

Every great civilization was built on the banks of a river, and the Noosa Shire is no different. From our logging and fishing history to our eco-tourism and real estate present and future, the river has played a pivotal role—yet has suffered impacts. It’s our responsibly as residents and users of the river to minimize our footprint and right historical wrongs if we can.

The ultimate goal of NUBA is to provide our local community with more information about our river. Armed with all the data we can infer from the biodiversity we discover, I hope for better management and a healthier system (more and bigger fish, and clearer water) born of good community action and design, rather than government regulation.

This project began as a one-man mission to film every species, but was always intended to involve the whole community. At its core, this is a film project and apart from the actors which the river itself will provide, almost every other job imaginable needs to be done—just watch the credits of any film for your job description to be listed. I hope NUBA will receive an ever-increasing number of contributions from local professionals in a variety of fields, along with information and time donated by community volunteers. We are all interested river users, enthusiasts and explorers with something to offer, and we all want to do our work close to home, working for our community rather than someone else’s.

If you’d like to learn more or get involved, please get in touch.


Video of my talk at the Noosa Park’s Association “Friday Forum”:

photos of underwater animals (fish and invertebrates) living in the Noosa River

Contact Josh

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